報酬配布基準が変更になった第11回プラチナスターシアター「Eternal Harmony」以降のポイントランキングボーダー推移表詳細版です。
11th Theater “Eternal Harmony”
12th Theater “サンリズム♪ オーケストラ”
13th Theater “brave HARMONY”
14th Theater “Starry Melody”
15th Theater “ジャングル☆パーティー”
16th Theater “PRETTY DREAMER”
17th Theater “Raise the FLAG”
18th Theater “成長Chu→LOVER!!”
19th Theater “Bonnes! Bonnes!! Vacances!!!”
20th Theater Special “Justice OR Voice”
21st Theater “プリムラ”
22nd Theater “fruity love”
23rd Theater “ランニング・ハイッ”
24th Theater “赤い世界が消える頃”
25th Theater “G♡F”
26th Theater “待ちぼうけのLacrima”
27th Theater “瞳の中のシリウス”
28th Theater “侠気乱舞”
29th Theater “メメント?モメント♪ルルルルル☆”
30th Theater “Beat the World!!!”
31st Theater “Helloコンチェルト”
32nd Theater “Bigバルーン◎”
33rd Theater “アライブファクター”
34th Theater “little trip around the world”
35th Theater “Persona Voice”
36th Theater “NO CURRY NO LIFE”
37th Theater Special “なんどでも笑おう”
38th Theater “P.S. I Love You”
39th Theater “創造は始まりの風を連れて”
40th Theater “リフレインキス”
41st Theater “Emergence Vibe”
42nd Theater “永遠の花”
43rd Theater “Understand? Understand!”
44th Theater “ゲキテキ!ムテキ!恋したい!”
45th Theater “ハルカナミライ”
46th Theater “Decided”
47th Theater “Sweet Sweet Soul”
48th Theater “cut. cut. cut.”
49th Theater “エスケープ”
50th Theater “Legend Girls!!”
51st Theater Special “Clover Days”
52nd Theater Special “アイル”
53rd Theater Special “わたしは花、あなたは太陽”
54th Theater “夜に輝く星座のように”
11th Theater “Eternal Harmony”
19th Theater “Bonnes! Bonnes!! Vacances!!!”
20th Theater Special “Justice OR Voice”
29th Theater “メメント?モメント♪ルルルルル☆”
30th Theater “Beat the World!!!”
34th Theater “little trip around the world”
36th Theater “NO CURRY NO LIFE”
37th Theater Special “なんどでも笑おう”
38th Theater “P.S. I Love You”
43rd Theater “Understand? Understand!”
47th Theater “Sweet Sweet Soul”
51st Theater Special “Clover Days”